Always Gluten Free & Non-GMO

Our gluten free sorghum is specially grown through our Farm to Family Food Safety Program to help us ensure that we are providing you with high quality and safe products for your family.

During the milling process the grain is finely ground to create a smooth silky texture to reduce grittiness in gluten free baked goods. Sorghum flour is naturally gluten free, high in dietary fiber and has a neutral flavor making it ideal for use in baked goods. Color of sorghum is controlled by genetic factors, and with careful growing programs and an extensive Food Safety Program we are able to bring you three varieties of sorghum flour that can be used in many different recipes.

Pearled sorghum flour, which has had the outer coating (bran) removed is ideal for light and fluffy pastry recipes, while whole grain sorghum flour can be used in a wide range of products such as breads, rolls, cakes, cookies, and sauces.

Farm to Family
for Celiac Disease

Gluten Free Sorghum
for Food Development & Production