Always Gluten Free & Non-GMO

Sorghum Nutritional Information

Nutrition Information per 100g

PRODUCTSCaloriesCal. from FatCal. from Sat. FatCarbProteinIns. FiberSol. FiberT. FiberSat. FatMono. FatPoly. FatTrans FatTotal FatCholesterol (mg)T. SugarsCalcium (mg)Iron (mg)Sodium (mg)Potassium (mg)Magnesium (mg)Zinc (mg)Copper (mg)Folic Acid (ug)Niacin (mg)Phosphorus (mg)AshVitamin A (IU)Vitamin B1 (mg)Vitamin B2 (mg)Vitamin C (mg)Vitamin D (IU)Vitamin E (IU)
Flour Mixes                                
All-Purpose36322480.70%4.94%3.31%0.66%4.50%0.41%0.73%1.11%0%2.45%0.60.79%23.812.1655.722.163.960.10.03  29.78 33.04  0.32  
Pizza Crust3420081.53%5.26%  2.63%0%  0%1.32%<1 200.73552.3              
SmartFRY36821477.30%9.58%  2.00%0.45%0.74%1.02%0%2.32%  7.552.752.64    115.461.55 0.67%<500.250.05<0.5<500.28
UltraLift39925581.00%12.40%12.00%2.00%14.00%0.51%0.98%1.20%0%2.82%<11.12%21.24.82<3.0        <50  <0.5  
Grains, Meals, & Flours                                
White Whole Grain*36732676.40%7.26%5.00%1.00%6.00%0.62%1.11%1.68%0%3.57%<11.20%15.32.97<0.05       1.32%<50  <0.5  
White Pearled Grain*36821477.30%9.58%  2.00%0.45%0.74%1.02%0%2.32%  7.552.752.64    115.461.55 0.67%<500.250.05<0.5<500.28
White Popped Grain39925581.00%12.40%12.00%2.00%14.00%0.51%0.98%1.20%0%2.82%<11.12%21.24.82<3.0       1.39%<50  <0.5  
Waxy White Whole Grain*35029570.40%9.97%6.80%2.80%9.60%0.55%1.04%1.47%0%3.22%<11.51%13.62.57<3.0       1.51%<50  <0.50  
Waxy White Pearled Grain*368                               
Black Whole Grain*36731669.30%14.70%  10.40%0.66%1.06%1.57%0%3.45%  25.45.572.53    83.095.07 1.88%<500.460.15<0.5<500.7
Black Pearled Grain*                                
Burgundy Whole Grain*35532672.30%8.32%8.11%<0.47%8.11%0.62%1.18%1.62%0%3.58%<10.91%13.93.391.33    60.733.65 1.31% 0.440.2<0.5<400.62
Burgundy Pearled Grain*                                
Burgundy Popped Grain39025581.00%10.30%10.50%0.90%11.40%0.52%0.92%1.21%0%2.78%<10.81%10.83.53<3.0       1.41%<50  <0.50  
Waxy Burgundy Whole Grain*35531573.10%7.96%6.60%3.10%9.70%0.61%1.09%1.59%0%3.44%<11.95%13.13.73<3.0346      1.49%<15  1.61  
Waxy Burgundy Pearled Grain*                                
Sumac Whole Grain*                                
Sumac Pearled Grain*                                
White392741270.70%8.74%  27.30%1.30%2.73%3.86%0%8.27%<1 49.813.93.5       3.26%<50  <0.50  
Waxy White                                
Black35439867.90%10.90%29.80%2.10%31.90%0.88%1.31%1.97%0%4.36%  64.512.63.45    93.129.35 3.15%<500.410.39<0.50<501.88
Burgundy388821266.30%10.30%  24.90%1.35%3.13%4.23%0%9.12%     9.1 3.88%<500.890.17<0.50<502.1
Waxy Burgundy                                
Sumac388681168.60%11.40%18.50%0.60%19.10%1.19%2.66%3.31%0%7.50%    196.678.53 3.09%<500.880.22<0.50<501.67
IQF Products                                
IQF Pasta149  31.50%4.20%  2.06%0.46%0.57%0.42%0%1.62%41.320.42%9.90.66124.8687.03      0.65%7.61  0.12  
IQF Grain190  13%8%  16%0%  0%3.00%0 71.7               
IQF Whole Grain Waxy Burgundy 180  12%8%  19%0%  0%4.00%0 81.80170             
*Same values for grain, meal, & flour                               

* Organic sorghum products available.

Farm to Family Guarantee

We take food allergies as seriously as you do. Our Farm to Family Food Safety Program ensures that all our products are free of gluten, peanuts, and soy. This guarantee is supported by internal and third party analysis before shipping. Sorghum is high in phenolic compounds that can add health benefits not found in other fruits, vegetables, and grains. The darker sorghums, in particular, have high levels of antioxidants, comprised of 3d-anthocyanins, which are unique to sorghum.  Several sorghum varieties are part of current NIH studies.

IP Program

Our sorghum quality is higher than our competitors due to the Food Safety and IP Programs we have in place. We harvest the outside perimeter of each of our fields for birdseed, which gives us less yield per acre, but increased safety for our consumers. We pay a living wage and sell the highest quality grain available.

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Retail customers should contact us for more information.

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